Today in class we discussed our upcoming skit and brainstormed for ideas. An abridged list of those ideas includes Macbeth, 12 Angry Men, 3 Idiots and Inception. We finally decided on letting Ananya, Ameya, and Mahima decide the premise on their own, due Feb 12. Afterwards, we intended our story to branch off into two possible outcomes, the groups writing these are Deepshika and Bhavani, for possibility one, and Nivedita and Sindhu for possibility two. Their ideas are due Feb 15. Each of these then proceeds to separate endings, written by Bhargav and Nirmal, and Uday and Nihal, due Feb 20. We discussed extensively the various ways that we could portray aspects of Hinduism in our skit/movie. We thought we could portray it through the characters of Macbeth, an idea that was eventually scrapped due to the difficulty of portraying the intricate plot of it within ~10 minutes. We additionally considered adding themes of dharma and adharma into the play 12 Angry Men and changing the premise slightly to show our point. We even contemplated an amalgam of 3 idiots and Inception, with the 3 idiot characters portraying Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic qualities individually and the audience deciding the outcomes of what happened to them in Inception. We brainstormed for the majority of our class.
After deciding this we learned about Upanishads and how we should worship guests, parents, and teachers as god. We were taught how the Hindu culture regards many different people as god or even before god. We discussed this and other aspects of Tattiriya Upanishad in our class.
- Abhishek Shivkumar
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