

Our last meeting for this academic year will be on June 22nd for the Annual Day. The posters made by our class will be used to decorate the hallway for Annual Day.

See you all at 3.30 pm at Crossroads Middle School on Jun 22nd.

Hari Om!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

September 29, 2013

Today in class, we went over a variety of topics and we began with something called “gracious professionalism”. Whenever we have something to say, it is important that we respect others around us. If we don’t agree with what someone else says, it is not correct to say a derogatory comment back. That is the meaning of “gracious professionalism” which we will maintain in class from now on.

We began today with a discussion about what is “prakriti” also known as inner nature. Our inner nature is “Sat-chit-ananda "( existence - Conciousness-Bliss), to be happy. This is dictated by svabhava also known as our nature which are dictated by our actions. We should not engage in Vikriti, perverted nature.

 We discussed about cause and effect. The Law of Consequences states that there is a cause and effect to all our actions. But some classmates including me believed that not only cause and effect was important, but luck was incredibly significant. After a discussion, we agreed that even luck was dictated by cause and effect.  That led to a discussion about God and who is God. God is a power that watches over us, a silent guardian who plays everything fair who can be experienced. Something that made us understand this was the conversation read of the web between the professor and student. It clearly demonstrated the point that science and philosophy as incredibly different. Science is based on facts while religion’s entire premise is based on faith which says that believing in this greater power will give us the courage to fight and deal with bad and good things. Although God cannot be seen, He is everywhere.GOD who is omnipresent,omniscient is the unchanging factor in this constant changing world.

We then talked about how each one of us is special and have taken up this life for achieving something special.   It is because of our past karmas that we have got the life of a human being.  We should do our best to make the best use of it for us, our society and our country.
Dev Devnani

1 comment:

  1. From your standpoint God is still separate from the world?
